You Are an Ecosystem

Earlier this week while talking to a friend I share my experience over the past month of a the intuitive business and money course I've been involved in the words, “How you relate to anything is how you relate to everything.” This is something that has been becoming more apparent to me in the past year than ever before.

I’ve referred the past two years as a deep collective composting, all structures and institutions that had been built sand are exposing their fractures and being dismantled. All relationships that happened to be ill-fit are separating. Personal traumas surfacing, societal groupthink exposed. And through this chaos people are gripping for dear life to keep things “normal” as possible holding the ego mask afraid to expose what may lay beneath it… hint its no one thing, it's a complex ecology of psyche, soul, and shadow. 

Suppressing the fears and dismantling does nothing but prolong our suffering. The faster we can radically accept the truth of our situation, and name the fears we can move forward with grace. Grace means moving out of reactionary survival protective mechanisms, it means accepting our fate (death), and taking responsibility for our participation. Of course this is a practice and like a plant being moved from a pot to the forest it undergoes a weathering process as to not shock the roots with the limitless space of the wild.

Now back to the quote I stated earlier. How you relate to anything, is how you relate to everything. In an ecosystem there is no isolation, life requires diversity, and different elements in order to manifest. The plant needs sun, water, soil, and microbes. The soil needs air, animals, and root systems. The human needs touch, love, community and creative expression. The recipe for a thriving life means surrendering to the point that we have no control. We can support our systems to receive optimal nutrition, but no amount of forcing will guarantee growth. There’s a need to slow down, to listen, to rest. Slow down to the speed of nature.

This is true to our relationship of our body, as well as romantic partners, family, career, and resource (money). The more we try to control, the more we grasp to scarcity. When we release expectations of how something must happen, or happen with, we are already limiting ourselves to the magic of life’s brilliant unfolding.

This doesn’t mean to lack vision, or to be passive, which is the paradox. What it does require is a shift from perceiving with the mind and instead listening with the heart. Your nervous system is the greatest gauge for your growth. Think again of a plant. When you first plant a seed its roots grow to the edge of the seed tray, from there you transplant to a bigger pot where the roots (nervous system) can expand to even greater depth. But moving from a pot to the limitlessness of Nature takes resiliency, trust, the ability to persevere through seasons of snow, drought, and receive the blessing from all. If we wish to experience prosperity and intimacy with life we must whether this weather. In winter and seasons that feel scarce, we must dig deep into the earth for restoration, planning, dreaming, reassessing. We must companion with a community to exchange resources in order to thrive. Collectively we must allow visitors to bring their medicine when a rupture takes place in a system. We must trust our intuition in the letting go of our leaves, when the cycle is done- knowing that in death we make way for new life.

Feel into this image. See body as a plant, your life as an ecosystem. How are you participating, sharing your fruits?

How are you open to receiving the exchange of energy from others? How do you perceive the storm, or death?

What relationships, ideas, and limitations that gave you a sense of safety are ready to be released so that you can live into the wild limitlessness of the forest?

I know its terrifying when our roots have felt numb, desensitization has taken place, and we were unwillingly born into a domesticated world. This is why the ancients saw and used the stars to navigate their harvest, and travel through the world. Through the Sun and stars they witnessed the patterns of nature and psyche. If you’re ready to remember your ecology, to navigate your life with the patterns of stars and sun but don’t know where to start I am ready to exchange with you my resource.

The past 10 years of my life have been a dedication to this rewilding, remembering, and resourcing. It led me to study everything from permaculture, herbalism, nutrition, energy healing, business, massage, psychology, somatic, art and astrology. Through this my trust has deepened. How I relate to anything is how I relate to anything, and still my roots grow in the limitlessness of the sacred Earth garden. My roots are ready to give healing, guidance, and resource to those ready to whether the path to freedom. Are you ready to let the ecology of you expand?

1:1 6 Wellness Coaching Container

Each session is tailored the the unique needs and desire of the individual based on the focus of their current experience. This could be navigating through the stress of money, partnership dynamics, connecting to person purpose, mindset reframing, or bodily wellness. Remember how we relate to anything is how we relate to everything. 

Working together we will map out your energetic architecture, identify the imbalances, and with various modalities learn to receive the nourishment from what is decomposing and breath new energy into that area of your life. 

Over the six month season your roots will begin to strengthen and expand. As the inner work heals, the quality and uniqueness of your fruits with grow. 

Together we will work through the energy of fear, shame, and guilt alchemizing them to trust, love, acceptance, wisdom, grace and creativity.

Moving beyond the intellectuality of “who am I?” To the embodied experience of “I AM”

Although the only constant is change, the only truth is that there is no destination, these six months will give you the confidence, support, and accountability to begin your pilgrimage of living a life of integrity so that your gifts the world desires can be received, and shared. With your gifts the earth ecosystem continues to regenerate, nourish, and expand.

Jeannette Mueller