Shadow Sundays: Illuminating and Integrating the forgotten parts of self

Hey everyone for the next seven Sundays I’m putting myself out there in a space of vulnerability and rawness to reveal and bring to light parts of myself that I’ve tried to hide behind the veil, mask, or down in the darkest parts of the basement. Why? well they are honestly the parts of myself most in need of love, attention, and nurturance.

What is shadow? simply put they are parts of ourselves that we both consciously and subconsciously hide from the world due to shame, embarrassment, fear of rejection, guilt, embarrassment and avoidance. Unfortunately the more we try to suppress these things the longer we act out behaviors that are not in integrity with our true authentic and natural way of being.

By revealing our shadows with love and forgiveness we are able to learn the lesson from the wounding, show more of our authenticity and unique gifts, and are free to allow others to do the same.

If you want to know the some of the inner workings of my mind, and feel not so alone in challenge, give it a listen. Here is where our shadows can walk together in freedom, and love


If you’re interested in shadow work but want guidance through the experience to get familiar with the process email to schedule an initial 1:1 session. 60 minutes where you get to uncover what it is that you desire, and the shadows that are limiting you to believe it is possible. When you integrate to liberate. Learn More