Grounding | Electrical Nutrition

What if I told you the most potent medicine is just beneath your feet and all that was separating you from being able to harness its healing benefits was the rubber soles of your shoes? Earthing is a newly coined term but a part of living that was so integrated in our evolution as animals that when we shifted to wearing shoes, living in high rise buildings, and walking on paved city streets that this invisible design of nature was taken for granted. Still poets, naturalist, mystics and adventures have written often through the millennia of their connection to nature. The Japanese talk of shinrin-yoku or forest bathing, an understanding of the way our physiology, biology, and mentality shifts by simply spending several hours each day in nature.

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Every living thing including the earth is composed of electric and magnetic energy. The Earths surface is endowed with “electric nutrition” a virtually limitless supply of mobile electrons that gives the ground we walk on a natural negative charge. This charge acts to donate electron to what it comes in contact with ie- plants, animals (humans). Through this direct contact the Earth our bioelectric circuitry restores and stabilizes the physiology of our cells, organs, and immune function. Balancing electrons neutralizes free-radicals, mitigates pain caused by inflammation, and nourishes the nervous system.

Modern society separates us from nature in many ways. We deal with electric pollution of wifi and cell tower, light pollution, water impurity, and many of us spend the majority of our days indoors. Nature truly does provide all the medicine that our bodies need to heal and regenerate. We do not need to intervene or control but simply observe the natural cycles and patterns and learn to harness them by surrendering to the process. Grounding is one such practice that I often “prescribe” to my clients and they are always surprised by the potency of its benefits.

Personal Experience with Grounding: As a child I never wore shoes. I remember running barefoot through the mud, pretending to we a wolf hunting its prey in the forest. I was vital, strong and carefree. In my adolecences more time was spent separated from nature due to school, my first jobs and lifestyle. My health around this time both mental and physical also declined. As a teenager I began having trouble with headaches, struggling with depression, anxiety, fatigue, irregular periods, ance and was often sick for the four years of high school. Graduating from high school I noticed this phenomenon of grounding for the first time but never understood why until several years later.

At 18 I ventured to Costa Rica to work in turtle conservation. Everynight we walked barefoot on the beach for nearly four hours looking for turtle nests, and protecting them from both wild life and poachers. Within a month my IBS was no longer bothering me, my midday fatigue was no longer debilitating, and my depression alleviated. As months passed I realized my body was less inflamed, my muscles more defined and the pressure in my eyes was gone. My periods had regulated for the first time in my life. Fast-forward to returning to the US- within several months of moving to Chicago and working in a restaurant my anxiety and depression returned, I had soreness in my knees, and my skin had more frequent break outs. Several years I struggled with debilitating depression, disordered eating, IBS, food allergies and didn’t understand why I could not “heal”.

I often tell people that when I reconnected to nature and the Earth, I reconnected with myself and my health. When I began to garden, when I spent time in nature, when I learned to cook I began to feel better. It still wasn’t until years later that I discovered the scientific reason why natures connection was healing my body. Studying nutrition I understood that the compounds contained in plants contributed to the rebuilding and metabolism of our bodies. Forest bathing and gardening became an integrated part of my life and my wellbeing continued to heal the more I participated in relation with it. When I eventually learned about grounding I intentionally walked barefoot more often, and was then exposed to earthing mats that conduct the earths frequency through a grounding rod. Using it while working on the computer greatly decreased anxiety and restlessness. Using it during sleep radically changed my sleep quality, where my sleep deepened and my insomnia alleviated. This past summer I was struggling with a rash around my mouth, similar to what I used to get if I ate dairy or gluten. Even after eliminating potential foods that I was sensitive to the rash continued for nearly a month. I then spent four days staying in a friends yurt in Northern Minnesota, walking barefoot through the forest nearby. In 24 hours the rash completely cleared up, not to mention I was eating sourdough bread and raw cheese for lunch those few days. The skin imbalance wasn’t from something external but in fact a deficiency of Earths electrical nutrition.

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Now I know what you’re thinking. Where am I going to find the time or space to walk barefoot for hours each day? How am I supposed to connect with the earth while I’m working, when its cold/snowing, or while living in a city where the potential of glass and other debresis are around? 

Luckily for us the phenomenon of earthing was discovered in 1998 while Clint Ober, a retired pioneer of the American cable TV industry was observing everyone walking around with rubber soles. Since retirement he had noticed how walking barefoot made him feel better, and through his understanding as an electrician and ground wires (most electrical systems are connected via a “ground wire” to the earth) put the two together and developed the first Earthing products. These products have been refined over the last decade and the healing potential of grounding harnessed into conductive sheets and mats that can be used for indoor grounding. These provide a “barefoot” substitute that can be accessed and used any season and anytime of day, including while working on your computer, watching television and sleeping. I’ve been using a grounding mat for the past year and notice significant changes in my sleep quality, and lessening of anxiety and restlessness when having to work on my computer. This past Christmas I gifted sheets to serval people in my family and all of them wrote to me within days of using telling me that they had less pain in their body and that they have been sleeping better then they ever have in years.

To get a better understanding watch the new Earthing film

If you’re ready to try it out for yourself go spend time outside walking barefoot in nature. If interested in experiencing grounding mat/sheets use this referral link below to invest in your Electric Nutrition/ Grounding Mat here- I have the throw blanket which is wonderful for sleep, reading, and rainy days you want to just cozy up on the couch. The grounding pad is perfect for computer work, travel, and standing on while cooking, or giving body work.

Love and Earth healing energy to you all.



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