Disaster or Realignment?

Energy is moving, things are shifting, and with this I often get asked by friends, family and clients what the hell is up? People losing jobs, partners cheating, triggers for addictive behavior, plans fall through., its as if we’ve entered a groundhogs day of an intense mercery retrograde. I know it may seem that life is out to get you, or that you cannot seem to catch a break despite your best efforts, but the truth is we’re not victims and there is major transformation happening on every level. 


The universe is not a vicious entity throwing you through the fire of trial and tribulation for fun. Yes, we obviously experience difficult situations, experience heart break, are thrown under the bus, fired from a job, etc. but these are not some form of sick cosmic torture. Ultimately difficulty, friction and tension are here to stimulate growth. Just as a rash is not something that is wrong with your body. On the contrary, it is the body sending messages to you that something you’re eating, something you’re wearing, or the people in your environment are not aligned with your higher purpose of vitality. The world is in critical condition climate change, civil unrest, disparity around money, gender inequality, chemical warfare hidden in our food, polluting land and water. These things cannot be ignored just as your tendency to play blind to self sabotaging behaviors cannot. We are in a great purge individually and collectively. The more we resist the more painful the fever and the pressure to burst. 

Why do we hold onto things that make us ill emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually? Because we delude ourselves that they are comfortable, we fear letting go because we cannot comprehend what type of pain will be felt. We fear the unknown. If any of you have ever had the flu you know through experience that when your body is finally able to fully release that there is pain, but it is followed by the most magnificent relief. When you rid yourself of the toxic virus and bacteria that have been circulating your body you are left empty, clean and ready finally for restoration.

Imagine another situation. You’ve been in a relationship that has lacked passion and true authentic connection for years, but the thought of being alone, of leaving the comfort of the familiar you convince yourself that its ok to stay, that things can get better and that maybe your partner will begin to appreciate and grow with you. Then you find out that your partner cheated on you. Initially there is pain, hurt, and deep wounding, but then one morning you wake up in your bed alone full of energy, and really that the breakup has set you free to rediscover your own beauty.

Obviously its still painful, it still stings when we receive a message with feedback about how we didn’t perform to expectations, but where is the gift? Where is the relief and release when we accept and learn from the situation. Instead of fighting the situation how do we rework, and either eliminate or alter our game plan to align with what values we hold and what truly lights us up? Where can you stay in the heart space and see things as an observer?

If your life were a movie, what would your character do despite the odds to overcome the challenge and discomfort of change?

Lean in, make the leap, allow the purge to happen. Get clear on what lights you up, what frees up space in body, mind and soul.

Oh and also Happy Scorpio Season! No wonder the rebirth cycles are amplified ;)

Jeannette Mueller