Posts tagged paleo
Celebrating Wild Rice

“We have a relationship to everything in nature, we are part of nature. The trees, the water, the marshes, lakes, those things all have spirits. When you harvest a plant you’re not only harvesting food, you are harvesting part of that spirit, and when it is taken into your body it becomes part of you.” We have a tendency of of separating ourselves from the earth. In a culture that is surrounded by more concrete than trees, we can lose sight of our connectedness and our responsibility to the planet and plants that we rely on for life. “When our time comes to leave this earth, we go back, our spirits go on and our bodies return to feed the earth from which it came.”

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Deconstructed Carrot Cake

Celebrating the true essence of carrot cake, AKA the carrots! Have you ever eaten a carrot so sweet that it felt like dessert? I have. Flavor starts with the soil and sourcing ingredients from farmers who are dedicated to regenerative agriculture practices is the best way to ensure flavor, nutrition, and a green economy.

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Chocolate of Immortality

Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years as medicine, in fact they may be the oldest form of medicine know to man. Some people say that they help to boost the immune system, I say they are the missing link that once created our immune system that we are finally reincorporation. Turkey Tail, Chaga, Reishi and Chocolate is an easy way to gain your immortality

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Chocolate Mint Truffles

Chocolate captures the heart of nearly all humans. Known to the Mayans as the food of the gods, we are blessed to welcome this sacred bean into our lives. Whenever I eat chocolate I am reminded of the beauty of life, all the abundance that nature has provided us with, and the ability to share with others on this field.

This recipe was inspired by my garden. Using fresh mint for a refreshing bite into decadent cacao, they are dairy-free, vegan, paleo and delicious.

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