Posts tagged transformation
Travel for Soul Nourishment and Finding Intention

Spending the end of the year in Europe and creating space for taking inventory of the year and intention for the new one to come. 2018 was a year of exponential internal growth. So many people I have talked to have gone through the thick of it in 2018, things that were hidden and unconscious were brought to the surface forcing them to be addressed and course corrected. Attitudes changed from judgement to acceptance and integration. While being in France these lessons I have learned have resurfaced and tested, here’s how I’m navigating through and getting clarity on selfworth and personal mission.

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Approach to Elemental Eating

Eating doesn’t need to be complicated. Today people have become obsessed with fad-diets and have adopted a sense of tribalism and tying their identity to a way of eating. Disease and illness is then extended, we end up making ourselves sick because we are part of something more then just a way of obtaining health. But we are all unique, and when we look to nature we can intuit what we should eat, when and how. Here’s a brief introduction

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